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The Sinned Knight: 17-year Anniversary
Greetings and salutations, my friends! Tis I, the Sinned Knight.

Seventeen years of my career, as of today…can you believe it? The Sinned Knight, as a concept, has existed for more time than I did at the time when I began my “professional career” as a musician.
While I have been a musician for most of my life, it’s odd to me to think that it took so long to try to do the rockstar thing at all.
Honestly, it’s a tad bit befuddling to think that I almost chose a different name and, had I done so, I wouldn’t be where I am today.
That said…let’s get down to brass tacks.
I would not be where I am today without being inspired by numerous people, nor encouragement from specific individuals.
Two prominent figures come to mind.
One, known as Oni by many, who is a consistent driving force, to this day, is one of my very best friends (my first fan, in fact). He’s a fellow creative type that I cannot deny the prowess of. For anyone reading this, go and check out his website (click here), support the cause (by clicking here – you get perks for that), or, follow the endeavor on Twitter.
The other, well…what can I say? Music is often a labor of love. I won’t mention any names, but, anyone who knows me, has listened to the music, or heard what I’ve said over the years…knows. There was someone many moons ago that encouraged me, called my damaged voice beautiful, and pushed me to take the very first step. So, somewhere out there, wherever she may be, I always hope for the best for her.
That said…inspiration for the idea that my voice could be something more than a monster’s came from somewhere and, certainly, it was from a man named Shawn McPherson. My biggest inspiration and, these days, someone I can call friend, he was my treasured mentor throughout my career.
“Shootie HG,” as he’s dubbed himself, during the course of his career, the frontman/guitarist to the band Hostile Groove, who provided the heavy vocals for the battle tracks and main theme of Devil May Cry 3 is actually what spurred me to believe that my voice might be good for something. For that, I’ll always be indebted to him.
He’s done amazing things, over the years, too, appeared in multiple more game soundtracks, since that point (Devil May Cry 4, Final Fantasy XIII-2, and Final Fantasy 7 Remake Intergrade, to name a few), and continues to be an inspiration to me.
His work can be found on his personal website or, for his musical education, either here or on YouTube.
Now, why am I saying all these things about other people in a post that’s supposed to be about myself? That’s a good question. I’m really, really bad at talking about myself. My music and the people who have stood by me through thick and thin have given me my world and what it is today.
I wouldn’t have my kid without my music – that’s a fact and a very convoluted story.
I wouldn’t have the brand, SKP. I wouldn’t have met a lot of people I call friend, let alone some of the most loyal people on the planet (I say “planet” for good reason).
It hasn’t been an easy road. Few people who walk this path have it truly “easy.” But, that’s okay. You keep trying. You keep trying because, if it’s what you really want, you make it happen.
I am the Sinned Knight. I have been and I will be the Sinned Knight.
So, here I sit…listening to the song that inspired it all. “Devils Never Cry.”
Because, someday, like I’ve done for my biggest inspiration…you can inspire yours.
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