Category: SKP Updates

  • Missed Updates and New Things

    Salutations, everyone! Your favorite Sinned Knight, present and accounted for, updating you on all things SKP and more. Within the last month and a half, we’ve been harder at work on a variety of things, including, but certainly not limited to, music, video games, and more. We’ve gone ahead and launched the revived Kickstarter campaign…

  • Justice and Malevolence: Cancelled Kickstarter

    With less than seven hours remaining until the Kickstarter would end, I decided to end the funding push early. When I was young, I had set out to create something that my brothers and I could enjoy…a game that could be adapted to add anything and everything that we wanted. So, that’s what I did.…

  • Rebuilding the Revolution

    Spending a lot of time, lately, Rebuilding the Revolution, so to speak, making sure to remember where I started, but show the growth that’s come with many, many years of experience, change, and more. What that means, from a perspective of development, I suppose, is that we’re going to be trying to make things bigger…