Tag: sinned

  • Missed Updates and New Things

    Salutations, everyone! Your favorite Sinned Knight, present and accounted for, updating you on all things SKP and more. Within the last month and a half, we’ve been harder at work on a variety of things, including, but certainly not limited to, music, video games, and more. We’ve gone ahead and launched the revived Kickstarter campaign…

  • The 18th Anniversary of the Sinned Knight

    Today, my dear friends, marks the 18th anniversary of my being the Sinned Knight. EIGHTEEN YEARS. That’s more than half my life, now. I remember sitting on MySpace, trying to figure out what to call myself after the URL I wanted was taken. I knew, back then, that a specific name is what I wanted…

  • The Sinned Knight: 17-year Anniversary

    Seventeen years of my career, as of today…can you believe it? The Sinned Knight, as a concept, has existed for more time than I did at the time when I began my “professional career” as a musician.

  • The Sinned Knight: “Four to Battle”

    As Sinned Knight Production pushes forward with development of several full-time projects, the Sinned Knight himself has been hard at work on other things. While one of those things is the previously-announced eighth album, “The Road So Far,” another is the single that was just released, “Four to Battle.” This is the tentative battle song…

  • The Sinned Knight’s Eighth Album

    Life has many ups and downs and, frankly, my journey is no exception. During the course of the buildup to album eight, I’ve revisited my past in many ways, because, without it, we would not be the people we are today. I’ve taken many detours and walked many paths, fallen flat on my face…but, still,…

  • “Heartless” and Updates

    From the Sinned Knight’s personal Facebook post: “‘Heartless’ was the first Sinned Knight single to make a massive impact, launching me to a success level I never thought I would achieve, let alone at that early of an age. I had believed in myself, but maybe not as much as I had projected. There’s always…

  • Justice and Malevolence: Cancelled Kickstarter

    With less than seven hours remaining until the Kickstarter would end, I decided to end the funding push early. When I was young, I had set out to create something that my brothers and I could enjoy…a game that could be adapted to add anything and everything that we wanted. So, that’s what I did.…

  • Rebuilding the Revolution

    Spending a lot of time, lately, Rebuilding the Revolution, so to speak, making sure to remember where I started, but show the growth that’s come with many, many years of experience, change, and more. What that means, from a perspective of development, I suppose, is that we’re going to be trying to make things bigger…